Guitar playing.....

Oww  well... 

It's about 4 months that i try to learn to play guitar...I know all the chords Do,Re,Mi,Fa,Sol,La,Si etc etc..I know a couple of songs.. I know a little about music theory and other things that i maybe know but they are not in my attention yet cause i may be doing exercises that i look around the net but nobody tells me: ''Yes you are doing great'' or ''STOP,WTH are you doing''..
Its actualy quite dificullt to achieve a high level guitar playing,without looking your hands while playing or to know how to correct the rythm and the music using other notes and theory that you know...
uff i might be a little desperate but with lots of exercise and a bottle of good.. (ehm..) it's not impossible to make it!!!!

Happy Week!!!!!!

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